Sunday, April 27, 2008


1. What is Behaviorism?

Loosely speaking, behaviorism is an attitude. Strictly speaking, behaviorism is a doctrine.

Wilfred Sellars (1912-89), the distinguished philosopher, noted that a person may qualify as a behaviorist, loosely or attitudinally speaking, if they insist on confirming “hypotheses about psychological events in terms of behavioral criteria” (1963, p. 22). A behaviorist, so understood, is a psychological theorist who demands behavioral evidence. For such a person, there is no knowable difference between two states of mind unless there is a demonstrable difference in the behavior associated with each state.

Arguably, there is nothing truly exciting about behaviorism loosely understood. It enthrones behavioral evidence, an arguably inescapable practice in psychological science. Not so behaviorism the doctrine. This entry is about the doctrine, not the attitude. Behaviorism, the doctrine, has caused considerable excitation among both advocates and critics.

Behaviorism, the doctrine, is committed in its fullest and most complete sense to the truth of the following three sets of claims.

  1. Psychology is the science of behavior. Psychology is not the science of mind.
  2. Behavior can be described and explained without making reference to mental events or to internal psychological processes. The sources of behavior are external (in the environment), not internal (in the mind).
  3. In the course of theory development in psychology, if, somehow, mental terms or concepts are deployed in describing or explaining behavior, then either (a) these terms or concepts should be eliminated and replaced by behavioral terms or (b) they can and should be translated or paraphrased into behavioral concepts.

The three sets of claims are logically distinct. Moreover, taken independently, each helps to form a type of behaviorism. “Methodological” behaviorism is committed to the truth of (1). “Psychological” behaviorism is committed to the truth of (2). “Analytical” behaviorism (also known as “philosophical” or “logical” behaviorism) is committed to the truth of the sub-statement in (3) that mental terms or concepts can and should be translated into behavioral concepts.

Other nomenclature is sometimes used to classify behaviorisms. Georges Rey (1997, p. 96), for example, classifies behaviorisms as methodological, analytical, and radical, where “radical” is Rey's term for what I am classifying as psychological behaviorism. I reserve the term “radical” for the psychological behaviorism of B. F. Skinner. Skinner employs the expression “radical behaviorism” to describe his brand of behaviorism or his philosophy of behaviorism (see Skinner 1974, p. 18). In the classification scheme used in this entry, radical behaviorism is a sub-type of psychological behaviorism, primarily, although it combines all three types of behaviorism (methodological, analytical, and psychological).

2. Three Types of Behaviorism

Methodological behaviorism is a normative theory about the scientific conduct of psychology. It claims that psychology should concern itself with the behavior of organisms (human and nonhuman animals). Psychology should not concern itself with mental states or events or with constructing internal information processing accounts of behavior. According to methodological behaviorism, reference to mental states, such as an animal's beliefs or desires, adds nothing to what psychology can and should understand about the sources of behavior. Mental states are private entities which, given the necessary publicity of science, do not form proper objects of empirical study. Methodological behaviorism is a dominant theme in the writings of John Watson (1878-1958).

Psychological behaviorism is a research program within psychology. It purports to explain human and animal behavior in terms of external physical stimuli, responses, learning histories, and (for certain types of behavior) reinforcements. Psychological behaviorism is present in the work of Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), Edward Thorndike (1874-1949), as well as Watson. Its fullest and most influential expression is B. F. Skinner's (1904-90) work on schedules of reinforcement.

To illustrate, consider a food-deprived rat in an experimental chamber. If a particular movement, such as pressing a lever when a light is on, is followed by the presentation of food, then the likelihood of the rat's pressing the lever when hungry, again, and the light is on, is increased. Such presentations are reinforcements, such lights are (discriminative) stimuli, such lever pressings are responses, and such trials or associations are learning histories.

Analytical or logical behaviorism is a theory within philosophy about the meaning or semantics of mental terms or concepts. It says that the very idea of a mental state or condition is the idea of a behavioral disposition or family of behavioral tendencies. When we attribute a belief, for example, to someone, we are not saying that he or she is in a particular internal state or condition. Instead, we are characterizing the person in terms of what he or she might do in particular situations or environmental interactions. Analytical behaviorism may be found in the work of Gilbert Ryle (1900-76) and the later work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-51). More recently, the philosopher-psychologist U. T. Place (1924-2000) advocated a brand of analytical behaviorism restricted to intentional or representational states of mind, such as beliefs, which Place took to constitute a type, although not the only type, of mentality (see Graham and Valentine 2004). Arguably, a version of analytical or logical behaviorism may also be found in the work of Daniel Dennett on the ascription of states of consciousness via a method he calls ‘heterophenomenology’ (Dennett 2005, pp. 25-56). (See also Melser 2004.)

3. Roots of Behaviorism

Each of methodological, psychological, and analytical behaviorism has historical foundations. Analytical behaviorism traces its historical roots to the philosophical movement known as Logical Positivism (see Smith 1986). Logical positivism proposes that the meaning of statements used in science be understood in terms of experimental conditions or observations that verify their truth. This positivist doctrine is known as “verificationism.” In psychology, verificationism underpins or grounds analytical behaviorism, namely, the claim that mental concepts refer to behavioral tendencies and so must be translated into behavioral terms.

Analytical behaviorism helps to avoid substance dualism. Substance dualism is the doctrine that mental states take place in a special, non-physical mental substance (the immaterial mind). By contrast, for analytical behaviorism, the belief that I have as I arrive on time for a 2pm dental appointment, namely, that I have a 2pm appointment, is not the property of a mental substance. Believing is a family of tendencies of my body. In addition, for an analytical behaviorist, we cannot identify the belief about my arrival independently of that arrival or other members of this family of tendencies. So, we also cannot treat it as the cause of the arrival. Cause and effect are, as Hume taught, conceptually distinct existences. Believing that I have a 2pm appointment is not distinct from my arrival and so cannot be the cause of the arrival.

Psychological behaviorism's historical roots consist, in part, in the classical associationism of the British Empiricists, foremost John Locke (1632-1704) and David Hume (1711-76). According to classical associationism, intelligent behavior is the product of associative learning. As a result of associations or pairings between perceptual experiences or stimulations on the one hand, and ideas or thoughts on the other, persons and animals acquire knowledge of their environment and how to act. Associations enable creatures to discover the causal structure of the world. Association is most helpfully viewed as the acquisition of knowledge about relations between events. Intelligence in behavior is a mark of such knowledge.

Classical associationism relied on introspectible entities, such as perceptual experiences or stimulations as the first links in associations, and thoughts or ideas as the second links. Psychological behaviorism, motivated by experimental interests, claims that to understand the origins of behavior, reference to stimulations (experiences) should be replaced by reference to stimuli (physical events in the environment), and that reference to thoughts or ideas should be eliminated or displaced in favor of reference to responses (overt behavior). Psychological behaviorism is associationism without appeal to mental events.

Don't human beings talk of introspectible entities even if these are not recognized by behaviorism? Psychological behaviorists regard the practice of talking about one's own states of mind, and of introspectively reporting those states, as potentially useful data in psychological experiments, but as not presupposing the metaphysical subjectivity or non-physical presence of those states. There are different sorts of causes behind introspective reports, and psychological behaviorists take these to be amenable to behavioral analysis. (See, by comparison, Dennett's method of heterophenomenology; Dennett 1991, pp. 72-81).

The task of psychological behaviorism is to specify types of association, understand how environmental events control behavior, discover and elucidate causal regularities or laws or functional relations which govern the formation of associations, and predict how behavior will change as the environment changes. The word “conditioning” is commonly used to specify the process involved in acquiring new associations. Animals in so-called “operant” conditioning experiments are not learning to, for example, press levers. Instead, they are learning about the relationship between events in their environment, for example, that a particular behavior, pressing the lever, causes food to appear.

In its historical foundations, methodological behaviorism shares with analytical behaviorism the influence of positivism. One of the main goals of positivism was to unify psychology with natural science. Watson wrote that “psychology as a behaviorist views it is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is … prediction and control” (1913, p. 158). Watson also wrote of the purpose of psychology as follows: “To predict, given the stimulus, what reaction will take place; or, given the reaction, state what the situation or stimulus is that has caused the reaction” (1930, p. 11).

Though logically distinct, methodological, psychological, and analytical behaviorisms often are found in one behaviorism. Skinner's radical behaviorism combines all three forms of behaviorism. It follows analytical strictures (at least loosely) in paraphrasing mental terms behaviorally, when or if they cannot be eliminated from explanatory discourse. In Verbal Behavior (1957) and elsewhere, Skinner tries to show how mental terms can be given behavioral interpretations. In About Behaviorism (1974) he says that when mental terminology cannot be eliminated it can be “translated into behavior” (p. 18, Skinner brackets the expression with his own double quotes).

Radical behaviorism is concerned with the behavior of organisms, not with internal processing. So, it is a form of methodological behaviorism. Finally, radical behaviorism understands behavior as a reflection of frequency effects among stimuli, which means that it is a form of psychological behaviorism.

4. Popularity of Behaviorism

Behaviorism of one sort or another was an immensely popular research program or methodological commitment among students of behavior from about the second decade of the twentieth century through its middle decade, at least until the beginnings of the cognitive science revolution (see Bechtel, Abrahamsen, and Graham, 1998, pp. 15-17). In addition to Ryle and Wittgenstein, philosophers with sympathies for behaviorism included Carnap (1932-33), Hempel (1949), and Quine (1960). Quine, for example, took a behaviorist approach to the study of language. Quine claimed that the notion of psychological or mental activity has no place in a scientific account of either the origins or the meaning of speech. To talk in a scientifically disciplined manner about the meaning of an utterance is to talk about stimuli for the utterance, its so-called “stimulus meaning”. Hempel (1949) claimed that “all psychological statements that are meaningful … are translatable into statements that do not involve psychological concepts,” but only concepts for physical behavior (p. 18).

Among psychologists behaviorism was even more popular than among philosophers. In addition to Pavlov, Skinner, Thorndike, and Watson, the list of behaviorists among psychologists included, among others, E. C. Tolman (1886-1959), C. L. Hull (1884-52), and E. R. Guthrie (1886-1959). Tolman, for example, wrote that “everything important in psychology … can be investigated in essence through the continued experimental and theoretical analysis of the determiners of rat behavior at a choice point in a maze” (1938, p. 34).

Behaviorists created journals, organized societies, and founded psychology graduate programs reflective of behaviorism. Behaviorists organized themselves into different types of research clusters, whose differences stemmed from such factors as varying approaches to conditioning and experimentation. Some clusters were named as follows: “the experimental analysis of behavior”, “behavior analysis”, “functional analysis”, and, of course, “radical behaviorism”. These labels sometimes were responsible for the titles of behaviorism's leading societies and journals, including the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis (SABA), and the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (begun in 1958) as well as the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (begun in 1968).

Behaviorism generated a type of therapy, known as behavior therapy (see Rimm and Masters 1974; Erwin 1978). It developed behavior management techniques for autistic children (see Lovaas and Newsom 1976) and token economies for the management of chronic schizophrenics (see Stahl and Leitenberg 1976). It fueled discussions of how best to understand the behavior of nonhuman animals, the relevance of laboratory study to the natural environmental occurrence of behavior, and whether there is built-in associative bias in learning (see Schwartz and Lacey 1982).

Behaviorism stumbled upon various critical difficulties with some of its commitments. One difficulty is confusion about the effects of reinforcement on behavior (see Gallistel 1990). In its original sense, a stimulus such as food is a reinforcer only if its presentation increases the frequency of a response in a type of associative conditioning known as operant conditioning. A problem with this definition is that it defines reinforcers as stimuli that change behavior. The presentation of food, however, may have no observable effect on response frequency even in cases in which an animal is food deprived. Rather, response frequency can be associated with an animal's ability to identify and remember temporal or spatial properties of the circumstances in which a stimulus is presented. This and other difficulties prompted changes in behaviorism's commitments and new directions of research. One recent and fresh direction has been the study of the role of short term memory in contributing to reinforcement effects on the so-called trajectory of behavior (see Killeen 1994).

Another stumbling block, in the case of analytical behaviorism, is the fact that the behavioral sentences that are intended to offer the behavioral paraphrases of mental terms almost always use mental terms themselves (see Chisholm 1957). In the example of my belief that I have a 2pm dental appointment, one must also speak of my desire to arrive at 2pm, otherwise the behavior of arriving at 2pm could not count as believing that I have a 2pm appointment. The term “desire” is a mental term. Critics have charged that we can never escape from using mental terms in the characterization of the meaning of mental terms. This suggests that mental discourse cannot be displaced by behavioral discourse. At least it cannot be displaced term-by-term. Perhaps analytical behaviorists need to paraphrase a whole swarm of mental terms at once so as to recognize the presumption that the attribution of any one such mental term presupposes the application of others (see Rey 1997, p. 154-5).

5. Why be a Behaviorist

Why would anyone be a behaviorist? There are three main reasons (see also Zuriff 1985).

The first is epistemic. Warrant or evidence for saying, at least in the third person case, that an animal or person is in a certain mental state, for example, possesses a certain belief, is grounded in behavior, understood as observable behavior. Moreover, the conceptual space between the claim that behavior warrants the attribution of belief and the claim that believing consists in behavior is a short and in some ways appealing step. If we look, for example, at how people are taught to use mental concepts and terms—terms like “believe”, “desire”, and so on— conditions of use appear inseparably connected with behavioral tendencies in certain circumstances. If mental state attribution bears a special connection with behavior, it is tempting to say that mentality just consists in behavioral tendencies.

The second reason can be expressed as follows: One major difference between mentalistic (mental states in-the-head) and associationist or conditioning accounts of behavior is that mentalistic accounts tend to have a strong nativist bent. This is true even though there may be nothing inherently nativist about mentalistic accounts (see Cowie 1998).

Mentalistic accounts tend to assume, and sometimes even explicitly to embrace (see Fodor 1981), the hypothesis that the mind possesses at birth or innately a set of procedures or internally represented processing rules which are deployed when learning or acquiring new responses. Behaviorism, by contrast, is anti-nativist. Behaviorism, therefore, appeals to theorists who deny that there are innate rules by which organisms learn. To Skinner and Watson organisms learn without being innately or pre-experientially provided with implicit procedures by which to learn. Learning does not consist, at least initially, in rule-governed behavior. Learning is what organisms do in response to stimuli. For a behaviorist an organism learns, as it were, from its successes and mistakes. “Rules,” says Skinner (1984a), “are derived from contingencies, which specify discriminative stimuli, responses, and consequences” (p. 583). (See also Dennett 1978).

Much contemporary work in cognitive science on the set of models known as connectionist or parallel distributed processing (PDP) models seems to share behaviorism's anti-nativism about learning. PDP takes an approach to learning which is response oriented rather than rule-governed and this is because, like behaviorism, it has roots in associationism (see Bechtel 1985; compare Graham 1991 with Maloney 1991). Whether PDP models ultimately are or must be anti-nativist depends upon what counts as native or innate rules (Bechtel and Abrahamsen 1991, pp. 103-105).

The third reason for behaviorism's appeal, popular at least historically, is related to its disdain for reference to inner mental or information processing as explanatory causes of behavior. The disdain is most vigorously exemplified in the work of Skinner. Skinner's skepticism about explanatory references to mental innerness may be described as follows.

Behavior must be explained in terms which do not themselves presuppose the very thing that is explained. This is behavior. The outside (public) behavior of a person is not accounted for by referring to the inside (inner processing) behavior of the person (say, his or her internal problem solving or thinking) if, therein, the behavior of the person is unexplained. “The objection,” wrote Skinner, “to inner states is not that they do not exist, but that they are not relevant in a functional analysis” (Skinner 1953, p. 35). ‘Not relevant’ means, for Skinner, explanatorily circular or regressive.

Skinner charges that since mental activity is a form of behavior (albeit inner), the only non-regressive, non-circular way to explain behavior is to appeal to something non-behavioral. This non-behavioral something is environmental stimuli and an organism's interactions with, and reinforcement from, the environment.

So, the third reason for behaviorism's appeal is that it tries to avoid circular, regressive explanations of behavior. It aims to refrain from accounting for one type of behavior (overt) in terms of another type of behavior (covert), all the while, in some sense, leaving behavior unexplained.

It should be noted that Skinner's views about explanation and the purported circularity of explanation by reference to inner processing are both extreme and scientifically contestable, and that many who have self-identified as behaviorists including Guthrie, Tolman, and Hull, or continue to work within the tradition, broadly understood, including Killeen (1987) and Rescorla (1990), take exception to much that Skinner has said about explanatory references to innerness. It should also be noted that Skinner's derisive attitude towards explanatory references to mental innerness stems, in part, not just from fears of explanatory regression but from his conviction that if the language of psychology is permitted to refer to internal processing, this goes some way towards permitting talk of immaterial mental substances, agents endowed with contra-causal free will, and little persons (homunculi) within bodies. Each of these Skinner takes to be incompatible with a scientific worldview (see Skinner 1971). Finally, it must be noted that Skinner's aversion to explanatory references to innerness is not an aversion to inner mental states or processes per se. He readily admits that they exist. Skinner countenances talk of inner events provided that they are treated in the same manner as public or overt responses. An adequate science of behavior, he claims, must describe events taking place within the skin of the organism as part of behavior itself (see Skinner 1976). “So far as I am concerned,” he wrote in 1984 in a special issue of Behavioral and Brain Sciences devoted to his work, “whatever happens when we inspect a public stimulus is in every respect similar to what happens when we introspect a private one” (Skinner 1984b, p. 575; compare Graham 1984, pp. 558-9).

6. Skinner's Social Worldview

Skinner is the only major figure in the history of behaviorism to offer a socio-political world view based on his commitment to behaviorism. Skinner constructed a theory as well as narrative picture in Walden Two (1948) of what an ideal human society would be like if designed according to behaviorist principles (see also Skinner 1971). Skinner's social worldview illustrates both his aversion to free will, to homunculi, to dualism as well as his reasons for claiming that a person's history of environmental interactions controls his or her behavior.

One remarkable feature of human behavior which Skinner deliberately rejects is that people creatively make their own environments (see Chomsky 1971, Black 1973). The world is as it is, in part, because we make it that way. Skinner protests that “it is in the nature of an experimental analysis of human behavior that it should strip away the functions previously assigned to autonomous man and transfer them one by one to the controlling environment” (1971, p. 198).

Critics have raised several objections to the Skinnerian social picture. One of the most persuasive, and certainly one of the most frequent, adverts to Skinner's vision of the ideal human society. It is a question asked of the fictional founder of Walden Two, Frazier, by the philosopher Castle. It is the question of what is the best social mode of existence for a human being. Frazier's, and therein Skinner's, response to this question is both too general and incomplete. Frazier/Skinner speaks of the values of health, friendship, relaxation, rest, and so forth. However, these values are hardly the detailed basis of a social system.

There is a notorious difficulty in social theory of specifying the appropriate level of detail at which a blueprint for a new and ideal society must be presented (see Arnold 1990, pp. 4-10). Skinner identifies the behavioristic principles and learning incentives that he hopes will reduce systematic injustices in social systems. He also describes a few practices (concerning child rearing and the like) that are intended to contribute to human happiness. However he offers only the haziest descriptions of the daily lives of Walden Two citizens and no suggestions for how best to resolve disputes about alternative ways of life that are prima facie consistent with behaviorist principles (see Kane 1996, p. 203). He gives little or no serious attention to the crucial general problem of inter-personal conflict resolution and to the role of institutional arrangements in resolving conflicts.

In an essay which appeared in The Behavior Analyst (1985), nearly forty years after the publication of Walden Two, Skinner, in the guise of Frazier, tried to clarify his characterization of ideal human circumstances. He wrote that in the ideal human society “people just naturally do the things they need to do to maintain themselves … and treat each other well, and they just naturally do a hundred other things they enjoy doing because they do not have to do them” (p. 9). However, of course, doing a hundred things humans enjoy doing means only that Walden Two is vaguely defined, not that its culturally instituted habits and the character of its institutions merit emulation.

The incompleteness of Skinner's description of the ideal human society or life is so widely acknowledged that one might wonder if actual experiments in Walden Two living could lend useful detail to his blueprint. At least two such experiments have been and are being conducted, one in Virginia, the other in Mexico. Both can be indirectly explored via the Internet (see Other Internet Resources).

7. Why be Anti-Behaviorist

Behaviorism has lost strength and influence. It is dismissed by cognitive scientists developing intricate internal information processing models of cognition. Its laboratory routines are neglected by cognitive ethologists and ecological psychologists convinced that its methods are irrelevant to studying how animals and persons behave in their natural and social environment. Its traditional relative indifference towards neuroscience and deference to environmental contingencies is rejected by neuroscientists sure that direct study of the brain is the only way to understand the causes of behavior.

But by no means has behaviorism disappeared. Robust elements of behaviorism survive in both behavior therapy and laboratory-based animal learning theory (of which more below). In the metaphysics of mind, too, behavioristic themes survive in the approach to mind known as functionalism. Functionalism defines states of mind as states that play particular causal-functional roles in animals or systems in which they occur. Paul Churchland writes of functionalism as follows: “The essential or defining feature of any type of mental states is the set of causal relations it bears to … bodily behavior” (1984, p. 36). This functionalist notion is similiar to the behaviorist idea that reference to behavior and to stimulus/response relations enters centrally and essentially into any account of what it means for a creature to behave or to be subject, in the scheme of analytical or logical behaviorism, to the attribution of mental states.

Elements, however, are elements. Behaviorism is no longer a dominating research program.

Why has the influence of behaviorism declined? The deepest and most complex reason for behaviorism's decline in influence is its commitment to the thesis that behavior can be explained without reference to non-behavioral mental (cognitive, representational, or interpretative) activity. Behavior can be explained just by reference to its “functional” (Skinner's term) relation to or co-variation with the environment and to the animal's history of environmental interaction. Neurophysiological and neurobiological conditions, for Skinner, sustain or implement these functional relations. But they do not serve as ultimate or independent sources of behavior. Behavior, Skinner (1953) wrote, cannot be accounted for “while staying wholly inside [an animal]; eventually we must turn to forces operating upon the organism from without.” “Unless there is a weak spot in our causal chain so that the second [neurological] link is not lawfully determined by the first [environmental stimuli], or the third [behavior] by the second, the first and third links must be lawfully related.” (p. 35) “Valid information about the second link may throw light on this relationship but can in no way alter it.” (ibid.) It is “external variables of which behavior is a function.” (ibid.)

Skinner was no triumphalist about neuroscience. Neuroscience, for him, more or less just identifies organismic physical processes that underlie animal/environment interactions. Therein, it rides evidential or epistemic piggyback on radical behaviorism's prior description of those interactions. “The organism”, he says, “is not empty, and it cannot adequately be treated simply as a black box” (1976, p. 233). “Something is done today which affects the behavior of the organism tomorrow” (p. 233). Neuroscience describes inside-the-box mechanisms that permit today's reinforcing stimulus to affect tomorrow's behavior. The neural box is not empty, but it is unable, except in cases of malfunction or breakdown, to disengage the animal from past patterns of behavior that have been reinforced. It cannot exercise independent or non-environmentally countervailing authority over behavior.

For many critics of behaviorism it seems obvious that, at a minimum, the occurrence and character of behavior (especially human behavior) does not depend primarily upon an individual's reinforcement history, although that is a factor, but on the fact that the environment or learning history is represented and how (the manner in which) it is represented. The fact that the environment is represented by me, to me, constrains or informs the functional relations that hold between my behavior and the environment and may, from an anti-behaviorist perspective, partially disengage my behavior from its reinforcement history. No matter, for example, how tirelessly and repeatedly I have been reinforced for pointing to or eating ice cream, such a history is impotent if I just don't see a potential stimulus as ice cream or represent it to myself as ice cream or if I desire to hide the fact that something is ice cream from others. My conditioning history, narrowly understood as unrepresented by me, is behaviorally less important than the environment or my learning history as represented or interpreted by me.

Similarly, for many critics of behaviorism, if representationality comes between environment and behavior, this implies that Skinner is too restrictive or limited in his attitude towards the role of neurophysiological mechanisms in producing or controlling behavior. The brain is no mere passive memory bank of behavior/environment interactions (see Roediger and Goff 1998). The central nervous system, which otherwise sustains my reinforcement history, contains systems or neurocomputational sub-systems that implement or encode whatever representational content the environment has for me. It is also an active interpretation machine or semantic engine, often critically performing environmentally untethered and behavior controlling tasks. Such talk of representation or interpretation, however, is a perspective from which behaviorism—most certainly in Skinner—wished to depart.

One defining feature of traditional behaviorism is that it tried to free psychology from having to theorize about how animals and persons represent their environment. This was important, historically, because it seemed that behavior/environment connections are a lot clearer and more manageable experimentally than internal representations. Unfortunately, for behaviorism, it's hard to imagine a more restrictive rule for psychology than one which prohibits hypotheses about representational storage and processing. Stephen Stich, for example, complains against Skinner that “we now have an enormous collection of experimental data which, it would seem, simply cannot be made sense of unless we postulate something like” information processing mechanisms in the heads of organisms (1998, p. 649).

A second reason for rejecting behaviorism is that some features of mentality—some elements in the inner processing of persons—have characteristic ‘qualia’ or presentationally immediate or phenomenal qualities. To be in pain, for example, is not merely to produce appropriate pain behavior under the right environmental circumstances, but it is to experience a ‘like-thisness’ to the pain (as something dull or sharp, perhaps). Behaviorist creatures may engage in pain behavior, including beneath the skin pain responses, yet completely lack whatever is qualitatively distinctive of and proper to pain (its painfulness). (See also Graham 1998, pp. 47-51 and Graham and Horgan 2000. On the scope of the phenomenal in human mentality, see Graham, Horgan, and Tienson forthcoming).

The philosopher-psychologist U. T. Place, although otherwise sympathetic to the application of behaviorist ideas to matters of mind, argued that qualia cannot be analyzed in behaviorist terms. He claimed that qualia are neither behavior nor dispositions to behave. “They make themselves felt,” he said, “from the very moment that the experience of whose qualia they are” comes into existence (2000, p. 191; reprinted in Graham and Valentine 2004). They are instantaneous features of processes or events rather than dispositions manifested over time. Qualitative mental events (such as sensations, perceptual experiences, and so on), for Place, undergird dispositions to behave rather than count as dispositions. Indeed, it is tempting to postulate that the qualitative aspects of mentality affect non-qualitative elements of internal processing, and that they, for example, contribute to arousal, attention, and receptivity to associative conditioning.

The third reason for rejecting behaviorism is connected with Noam Chomsky. Chomsky has been one of behaviorism's most successful and damaging critics. In a review of Skinner's book on verbal behavior (see above), Chomsky (1959) charged that behaviorist models of language learning cannot explain various facts about language acquisition, such as the rapid acquisition of language by young children, which is sometimes referred to as the phenomenon of “lexical explosion.” A child's linguistic abilities appear to be radically underdetermined by the evidence of verbal behavior offered to the child in the short period in which he or she expresses those abilities. By the age of four or five (normal) children have an almost limitless capacity to understand and produce sentences which they have never heard before. Chomsky also argued that it seems just not to be true that language learning depends on the application of reinforcement. A child does not, as an English speaker in the presence of a house, utter “house” repeatedly in the presence of reinforcing elders. Language as such seems to be learned without, in a sense, being taught, and behaviorism doesn't offer an account of how this could be so. Chomsky's own speculations about the psychological realities underlying language development included the hypothesis that the rules or principles underlying linguisitic behavior are abstract (applying to all human languages) and innate (part of our native psychological endowment as human beings). When put to the test of uttering a grammatical sentence, a person, for Chomsky, has a virtually infinite number of possible responses available, and the only way in which to understand this virtually infinite generative capacity is to suppose that a person possesses a powerful and abstract innate grammar (underlying whatever competence he or she may have in one or more particular natural languages).

The problem to which Chomsky refers, which is the problem of behavioral competence and thus performance outstripping individual learning histories, seems to go beyond merely the issue of linguistic behavior in young children. It appears to be a fundamental fact about human beings that our behavior and behavioral capacities often surpass the limitations of individual reinforcement histories. Our history of reinforcement is often too impoverished to determine uniquely what we do or how we do it. Much learning, therefore, seems to require pre-existing or innate representational structures or principled constraints within which learning occurs. (See also Brewer 1974, but compare with Bates et al. 1998 and Cowie 1998).

Is the case against behaviorism definitive? Decisive? Paul Meehl noted three decades ago that theories in psychology seem to disappear not under the force of decisive refutation but rather because researchers lose interest in their theoretical orientations (Meehl 1978). One implication of Meehl's thesis is that a once popular "Ism", not having been decisively refuted, may restore some of its former prominence if it mutates or transforms itself so as to incorporate responses to criticisms. What might this mean for behaviorism? It may mean that some version of the doctrine might rebound.

Skinner claimed that neural activities subserve behavior/environment relations and that the organism's contribution to these relations does not reduce to neurophysiological properties. But this does not mean that behaviorism cannot gain useful alliance with neuroscience. Reference to brain structures (neurobiology, neurochemisty, and so on) may help in explaining behavior even if such reference does not displace reference to environmental contingencies in a behaviorist account.

Such is a lesson of animal modeling in which behaviorist themes still enjoy currency. Animal models of addiction, habit and instrumental learning are particularly noteworthy because they bring behavioral research into closer contact than did traditional psychological behaviorism with research on the brain mechanisms underlying reinforcement, especially positive reinforcement (West 2006, pp. 91-108). One result of this contact is the discovery that sensitized neural systems responsible for heightened reinforcement value or strength can be dissociated from the hedonic utility or pleasureable quality of reinforcement (see Robinson and Berridge 2003). The power of a stimulus to reinforce behavior may be independent of whether it is a source of pleasure. Focus on brain mechanisms underlying reinforcement also forms the centerpiece of one of the most active research programs in contemporary neuroscience, which weds study of the brain's reward systems with models of valuation and economic decision making (see Montague and Berns 2002; Nestler and Malenka 2004). Behaviorism might do well to purchase some of its currency.

Other potential sources of renewal? The continued popularity of behavior therapy is noteworthy because it offers a potential domain of application for the regimen of logical or analytical behaviorism. Early versions of behavior therapy sought to apply results from Skinnerian or Pavlovian conditioning paradigms to human behavior problems. No minds should be spoken of; just behavior — stimuli, responses, and reinforcement. Therapy shapes behavior not thought. Successive generations of behavior therapy have relaxed those conceptual restrictions. Advocates refer to themselves as cognitive behavior therapists (e.g. Mahoney, 1974; Meichenbaum, 1977). Clients' behavior problems are described by referring to their beliefs, desires, intentions, memories, and so on. Even the language of self-reflexive thought and belief (so-called ‘meta-cognition’) figures in some accounts of behavioral difficulties and interventions (Wells 2000). One goal of such language is to encourage clients to monitor and self-reinforce their own behavior. Self-reinforcement is an essential feature of behavioral self-control (Rachlin 2000; Ainslie 2001).

It may be wondered whether cognitive behavior therapy is consistent with behaviorist doctrine. Much depends on how beliefs and desires are understood. If beliefs and desires are understood as states that somehow spill out into the environment and are individuated in terms of their non-mentalistic role in organism/environment interactions, this would be consistent with traditional behaviorist doctrine. It would reflect the principle of logical or analytical behaviorism that if mental terms are to be used in the description and explanation of behavior, they must be defined or paraphrased in non-mental behavioral terms. Prospects for belief/desire individuation in non-mental terms may look doubtful (see Horgan and Graham forthcoming). But the topic is open for further exploration.

8. Conclusion

In 1977 Willard Day, a behavioral psychologist and founding editor of the journal Behaviorism, published Skinner's “Why I am not a cognitive psychologist” (Skinner 1977). Skinner began the paper by stating that “the variables of which human behavior is a function lie in the environment” (p. 1). Skinner ended by remarking that “cognitive constructs give … a misleading account of what” is inside a human being (p. 10)

More than a decade earlier, in 1966 Hempel had announced his defection from behaviorism:

In order to characterize … behavioral patterns, propensities, or capacities … we need not only a suitable behavioristic vocabulary, but psychological terms as well. (p. 110)

Hempel had come to believe that it is a mistake to imagine that human behavior can be understood exclusively in non-mental, behavioristic terms.

Contemporary psychology and philosophy largely share Hempel's conviction that the explanation of behavior cannot omit invoking a creature's representation of its world. Psychology must use psychological terms. Behavior without cognition appears blind. Psychological theorizing without reference to internal cognitive processing seems explanatorily impaired. To say this, of course, is not to a priori deny that behaviorism may recover some of its prominence. But if it does so this may require a reformulation of its doctrines that is attune to developments in neuroscience as well as to novel therapeutic orientations.

A Brief Biography of B.F. Skinner

A Brief Biography of B.F. Skinner
by Julie S. Vargas

Early Life

B. F. Skinner was born on March 20, 1904 in Susquehanna, a small railroad town in the hills of Pennsylvania just below Binghamton, New York. With one younger brother, he grew up in a home environment he described as "warm and stable". His father was a rising young lawyer, his mother a housewife. Much of his boyhood was spent building things - for example a cart with steering that worked backwards (by mistake) and a perpetual motion machine (the latter did not work). Other ventures were more successful. He and a friend built a cabin in the woods. For a door to door business selling elderberries, he designed a flotation system to separate ripe from green berries. When working in a shoe store during his high school years, he made a contraption to distribute the "green dust" that helped the broom pick up dirt.

In high school, Skinner took an English class taught by Miss Graves to whom he was later to dedicate his book, The Technology of Teaching. Based on a remark by his father, he blurted out in class one day that Shakespeare had not written As You Like It, but rather Frances Bacon. When his teacher told him he didn't know what he was talking about, he went to the library and read quite a bit of Bacon's works. Bacon's championing of the inductive method in science against the appeal to authority was to serve him well later.

First Encounters with Behavioral Science

After attending Hamilton college, Skinner decided to become a writer. Moving back home he wrote little. His entire production from the period he called his "dark year" consisted of a dozen short newspaper articles and a few models of sailing ships. Escaping to New York City for a few months working as a bookstore clerk, he happened upon books by Pavlov and Watson. He found them impressive and exciting and wanted to learn more.

Graduate School and Discovery

At the age of 24 Skinner enrolled in the Psychology Department of Harvard University. Still rebellious and impatient with what he considered unintelligent ideas, Skinner found a mentor equally caustic and hard-driving. William Crozier was the chair of a new department of Physiology. Crozier fervently adhered to a program of studying the behavior of "the animal as a whole" without appealing, as the psychologists did, to processes going on inside. That exactly matched Skinner's goal of relating behavior to experimental conditions. The student was encouraged to experiment. Each department, Psychology, and Physiology, assumed the other was supervising the young student, but the fact was he was "doing exactly as I pleased". With his enthusiasm and talent for building new equipment, Skinner constructed apparatus after apparatus as his rats' behavior suggested changes. After a dozen pieces of apparatus and some lucky accidents (described in his "A Case History in Scientific Method"), Skinner invented the cumulative recorder, a mechanical device that recorded every response as an upward movement of a horizontally moving line. The slope showed rate of responding. This recorder revealed the impact of the contingencies over responding. Skinner discovered that the rate with which the rat pressed the bar depended not on any preceding stimulus (as Watson and Pavlov had insisted), but on what followed the bar presses. This was new indeed. Unlike the reflexes that Pavlov had studied, this kind of behavior operated on the environment and was controlled by its effects. Skinner named it operant behavior. The process of arranging the contingencies of reinforcement responsible for producing this new kind of behavior he called operant conditioning. Because of a fellowship, Skinner was able to spend his next five years investigating not only the effect of following consequences and the schedules on which they were delivered, but also how prior stimuli gained control over behavior-consequence relationships with which they were paired. These studies eventually appeared in his first book, The Behavior of Organisms (1938).

Project Pigeon

In 1936, then 32 years old, Skinner married Yvonne Blue and the couple moved to Minnesota where Skinner had his first teaching job. Busy with teaching and his new family that in 1938 included a daughter, Julie, he did little to advance the science he had started. But that was to change with the war. In 1944 World War II was in full swing. Airplanes and bombs were common, but there were no missile guidance systems. Anxious to help, Skinner sought funding for a top secret project to train pigeons to guide bombs. Working intently, he trained pigeons to keep pecking a target that would hold a missile onto a target. The pigeons pecked reliably, even when falling rapidly and working with warlike noise all around them. While Project Pigeon was discontinued (because of another top secret project unknown to Skinner - radar), the work was useful. Pigeons behave more rapidly than rats, allowing more rapid discoveries of the effect of new contingencies. As Skinner put it, "the research that I described in The Behavior of Organisms appeared in a new light. It was no longer merely an experimental analysis. It had given rise to a technology." Skinner never again worked with rats. Skinner described Project Pigeon in an article with the same name. The article is in Cumulative Record.

The Baby Tender

In 1943, towards the end of the Minnesota years, Yvonne was pregnant again. Knowing of her husband's talent at solving problems with gadgets, she wondered whether he might design a crib that would be safer than the typical crib with its bars that could trap a leg and blankets that could suffocate a baby. He could, and did. Proud of his new invention, an enclosed and heated crib with a plexiglass window, he sent an article to the popular magazine the Lady's Home Journal. Changing Skinner's title to grab attention, the article came out as "Baby in a Box". The "baby tender", as Skinner called his crib, was used only as a bed for the new baby. Deborah had a playpen and spent as much time out of her bed as do other infants. But inevitably confusion occurred between the baby tender and the "Skinner Box." To the end of his life Skinner was plagued by rumors about his second daughter, hearing even that she had committed suicide. In fact, Skinner was an affectionate father and never experimented on either of his children. Deborah is a successful artist and lives in London with her husband.

Walden Two

When the war was about to end, Skinner attended a dinner party and mentioned to a friend that it was too bad that her son and other young people would come back to the old ways of doing things. She asked what Skinner would have them do instead. Skinner could never refuse a challenge. Almost immediately he began the book Walden Two. Walden Two was written fast, parts with much emotion. In it, a soldier just back from the war, invites friends and his former professor to visit a community called Walden Two, a group of about 1000 members. They go to the community. Its designer, Frazier, explains how the happy and the industrious behaviors they are seeing have been carefully shaped using behavioral techniques. He explains how the competitive urge of parents to favor their own children has been converted to a more equal concern for all youngsters by bringing up the babies communally rather than in families. Both women and men work. Jobs earn work credits weighted so that one can work for only a short time at undesirable jobs or longer at desirable ones. All aspects of the community have been planned. The book, after a slow start, became one of the best known works of Skinner's, receiving both praise and condemnation.


In 1945, Skinner and his family moved to Bloomington Indiana where he became Chair of the Psychology Department at the University of Indiana. The field he had started was growing. In 1946 the first meeting of the Society of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior was held in Indiana. Twelve years later, it had a journal, the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

Return to Harvard

An invitation from Harvard University to give the William James Lectures brought Skinner and his family to Cambridge Massachusetts in the fall of 1947. He was invited to join the Psychology Department in 1948. There, he offered to give a course for undergraduates, scrambling each week to produce materials for the 400 students who enrolled. The material eventually became the book Science and Human Behavior (1953). The 1950's and 1960's were productive for Skinner, largely due to the excellent graduate students who came to study with him, including Douglas B. Anger, James A Anliker, Nathan H. Azrin, Donald S. Blough, A. Charles Catania, Lewis R. Gollub, Richard J. Herrnstein, Matthew L. Israel, Alfredo V. Lagmay, Harlan I. Lane, Ogden R. Lindlsey, William H. Morse, Neil J. Peterson, George S. Reynolds, and Herbert S. Terrace. Spinoffs from this work produced the book Schedules of Reinforcement (Ferster & Skinner, 1957), the field of Behavior Therapy (from the work of Ogden Lindsley who coined the term), and psychopharmacology (where Peter Dews at the Harvard Medical School worked closely with Skinner's lab).

Teaching Machines and Programmed Instruction

Skinner's children were growing up. When the younger was in fourth grade, on November 11, 1953, Skinner attended her math class for Father's Day. The visit altered his life. As he sat at the back of that typical fourth grade math class, what he saw suddenly hit him with the force of an inspiration. As he put it, "through no fault of her own the teacher was violating almost everything we knew about the learning process." In shaping, you adapt what you ask of an animal to the animal's current performance level. But in the math class, clearly some of the students had no idea of how to solve the problems, while others whipped through the exercise sheet, learning nothing new. In shaping, each best response is immediately reinforced. Skinner had researched delay of reinforcement and knew how it hampered performance. But in the math class, the children did not find out if one problem was correct before doing the next. They had to answer a whole page before getting any feedback, and then probably not until the next day. But how could one teacher with 20 or 30 children possibly shape mathematical behavior in each one? Clearly teachers needed help. That afternoon, Skinner constructed his first teaching machine.

Skinner's first teaching machine simply presented problems in random order for students to do, with feedback after each one. But this machine did not teach new behavior. All it did was give more practice on skills already learned. Within three years, however, Skinner developed programmed instruction, where through careful sequencing, students responded to material broken into small steps. The steps were similar to what a skilled tutor would ask of a student working with one student at a time. The first responses of each sequence were prompted, but as performance improved, less and less help was given. By the end, a student was doing something he or she could not have done at the beginning. For about ten years, Skinner was caught up in the teaching machine movement, answering every one of thousands of letters from parents, schools, and business and industry. With a grant, Skinner hired James G. Holland who with Skinner's supervision, created The Analysis of Behavior for Skinner's class of Harvard students to take on a mechanical machine. (There were no microcomputers yet.) The field of education embraced this newest teaching method, but many of the materials were poorly written and no company wanted to design materials for a teaching machine that might go out of production. So most programmed instruction was put into book form. But the a book does not maintain the contingencies: Students can look at the answer before writing their own. By around 1968 education publishers stopped printing programmed instruction. That same year Skinner published The Technology of Teaching, a collection of his writings on education. Some of the better programs from the 60's are still used and with the coming of the computer and internet, the perfect machine that Skinner lacked is now available. Increasingly, instructional designers are realizing that, as Skinner insisted, tutorials must do more than present blocks of content with quizzes at the end. Effective instruction requires learners to respond to what each screen of information presents and to get feedback on their performance before advancing to the next. In addition, the sequencing of steps is critical.

Skinner's analysis of how to design sequences of steps came to him as he was finishing a book on which he had worked, on and off, for twenty years. Verbal Behavior published in 1957 is an analysis of why we say, write, and even think the way we do. The book is not easy to read. It took another twenty years before researchers used Skinner's categories and found that the different controlling variables he postulated were, indeed, independent. Recently their work has led to breakthroughs in teaching children, especially those with autism, to communicate effectively.

Later Life

A concern with the implications of behavioral science for society at large turned Skinner to philosophical and moral issues. In 1969 he published Contingencies of Reinforcement and two years later Beyond Freedom and Dignity which prompted a series of television appearances. Still, the lack of understanding and misrepresentation of his work prompted his writing About Behaviorism (1974). Towards the end of his life he was still active professionally. In addition to professional articles, he wrote three autobiographical volumes, Particulars of my Life, The Shaping of a Behaviorist, and A Matter of Consequences. In 1989 he was diagnosed with leukemia, but kept as active as his increasing weakness allowed. At the American Psychological Association, ten days before he died, he gave a talk before a crowded auditorium. He finished the article from which the talk was taken on August 18, 1990, the day he died.

Contributed by B. F. Skinner's elder daughter

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Makna Shiomu

Makna Shiomu

Shio Tikus
Menarik dan agresif. Itulah pembawaan orang kelahiran Shio Tikus. Ia memang nampak gembira, tapi juga tenang. Penampilannya selalu mengesankan dan meyakinkan sehingga ia digemari serta dipercayai teman-teman dekatnya. Apalagi karena ia murah rejeki. Senang pula membaginya kepada orang lain, apalagi bila orang itu sedang kesusahan.

Ia memang senang berkumpul, menghimpun teman-temannya dan membentuk perkumpulan. Pandai pula ia menyembunyikan perasaan hatinya.

Namun di balik keagresifannya, sebenarnya Shio Tikus orang yang mudah diserang rasa cemas, nervous, selalu khawatir dan amat mudah tersinggung. Terkadang ia bertingkah membingungkan dan bahkan licik. Ia juga boros, tak pandai mengatur keluar masuknya uang. Bila ada barang yang disenanginya, tanpa pikir panjang ia langsung membeli tanpa menawar dulu. Seolah ia hanya hidup untuk hari ini, padahal ada hari nanti yang perlu juga dipikirkan.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Tikus
Pramuniaga, biro
travel, akuntan, wartawan, pedagang, pemusik, pelukis

Shio Kerbau
Orang di bawah pengaruh Shio Kerbau berpembawaan tenang, sabar dan sedikit pemalu. Tapi ia mempunyai sifat teliti. Sebelum bertindak, ia selalu memikirkannya dan mempertimbangkannya dengan baik. maka ia boleh dibilang selalu luput dari bahaya. Ia juga seorang pekerja yang baik dan tak lekas berputus asa bila menghadapi kesulitan. Ia pun tegus pendirian dan selalu bersemangat. Maka jangan heran bila kelahiran Shio Kerbau, tiba-tiba bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang di luar dugaan. Sifat positifnya yang membuatnya disenangi orang, karena ia selalu ebrsopan santun dan mau introspeksi dan pandai mengatur uang dan waktu.

Tapi karena pembawaannya yang lambat, ia jadi sering ketinggalan, terutama dalam menghadapi persoalan yang membutuhkan keputusan cepat. Kegemarannya menyendiri dan suka membanggakan diri, juga tak jarang menghambat kemajuan dirinya.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Kerbau
Petani, teknikus, juru foto, resepsionis, perawat

Shio Macan
Orang yang lahir di bawah Shio Macan, bisa beruntung hidupnya.Iia seorang yang amat berbakat memimpin, selalu timbul hasratnya untuk berprestasi dan gemar kerja keras. Tapi ia juga cukup bijaksana terutama dalam soal yang menyangkut dunia bisnis, percintaan dan perang.

Dia juga disenangi orang lain karena bisa membangkitkan semangat, murah hati dan cukup dermawan. Bila diperlukan, terkadang tanpa diminta, ia akan memberikan nasihat yang berguna. Itu tak lain karena ia sendiri selalu bisa mengatasi persoalannya dengan baik. dan bila ia berbuat kesalahan, dengan cepat ia mau mengoreksi diri. Hal lain yang positif, karena ia seorang yang berpendirian teguh dan selalu berpikir dahulu sebelum bertindak.

Sayangnya karena kelahiran Shio Macan ini lalu menjadi tukang perintah. Ia pantang ditentang. Bila perlu, orang yang menghalanginya ditantang duel, paling tidak diajak bertengkar.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Kerbau
Mandor, penerjun, kepala pemerintahan, penjelajah, dan perwira militer

Shio Kelinci
Shio Kelinci (versi Cina) atau Shio Kucing (versi Jepang) terkenal orang yang berselera tinggi dan gemar berkelompok atau bermasyarakat. Ia amat berbakat dagang, terutama yang menyangkut barang-barang antik. Ia selalu penuh perhitungan dan spekulasinya jarang meleset.

Ia juga pandai mengatur uang. Pembawaannya tenang dan selalu berusaha memegang teguh janji yang telah diucapkan. Ia pandai pula menyembunyikan perasaan, selalu bersikap hati-hati, hinga dalam pergaulan ia mudah dipercaya orang.

Sifatnya yang buruk, karena kelahiranh Shio Kelinci ini, terkadang cerewet dan suka bersikap cengeng. Mudah pula mengobarkan perselisihan kecil, seperti cekcok. Bila bergaul lebih cenderung memilih orang yang berderajat tinggi. Tak heran bila ia kurang hati-hati, bisa membuat skandal. Pikirannya, terkadang juga dangkal dan ia boleh dibilang tak begitu suka pembaruan, kolot.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Kelinci
Dekorator, resepsionis, pramuniaga, wartawan, aktor, pengacara, diplomat

Shio Naga
Shio Naga biasanya lahir dalam keadaan sehat. Ia memang seorang yang daya tahan hidupnya tinggi. Ia seorang yang gemar berdiplomasi, tak suka ambil muka, tegas dan berperasaan baja serta sulit ditundukkan.

Shio Naga selalu penuh semangat, rajin, sekaligus cerdik. Untuk meraih sukses, tak segan-segan ia melakukan kerja apa saja. ia seorang idealis yang pantang dihina. Bila perlu ia rela mati untuk membela yang dianggapnya benar. Maka kelahiran Shio Naga cocok menjadi pemuka agama, politikus, militer atau seniman.

Ia maunya belajar saja dan bekerja keras, hingga tak tergiur untuk kawin cepat-cepat. Tapi ceweknya selalu mendambakan cinta dan perkawinan.

Salahnya Shio Naga amat senang bergunjing dan senang memuji diri sendiri. Terkadang juga besar mulut dan keras kepala. Khususnya dalam soal bercinta, ia dikenal egois serta selalu khawatir akan dikhianati. Ia juga seorang yang gemar membanggakan diri. Dan bila menghadapi jalan buntu, ia suka berbuat nekad. Amarahnya pun sulit terkendali dan sulit pula dipadamkan

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Naga
Pramuniaga, arsitek, dokter, pengacara, pendeta, duta besar, dan negarawan

Shio Ular
Pembawaan yang menarik dan perlente atau anggun, selalu coba ditampilkan orang kelahiran Shio Ular. Ia memang senang keindahan dan mempunyai rasa humor yang tinggi. Ia bisa meraih sukses dalam hidup, berkat kemahirannya mengatur waktu, bijaksana hampir dalam segala hal serta selalu penuh perhitungan.

Ia teguh pula pendiriannya, tak mudah goyah oleh apa pun juga. Ia dikenal berintuisi tajam, pendapatnya selalu masuk akal, lagi pula kata-katanya enak didengar. Ia juga bisa bertindak cepat dan gemar berfilsafat serta nampak terpelajar.

Sayangnya orang Shio Ular tampak pelit seolah ia tega melihat orang menderita. Padahal orang-orang Shio Ular senantiasa memberikan pertolongan dengan perhitungan. Caranya tidak langsung memberi uang tetapi memberi pekerjaan yang bisa mendatangkan uang.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Ular
Dosen, penulis, ahli pikir, juri, psikiater, politikus, diplomat, astrolog

Shio Kuda
Kelahiran Shio Kuda selalu tampak hebat dan menarik. Ia emmang gemar berpakaian rapi, sesuai dengan hidupnya yang menyenangi kesenian dan suka pergi ke perjamuan. Shio Kuda selalu simpatik dan berpembawaan riang gembira. Hasratnya menjadi orang terkenal selalu menyala. Dan itu ditunjang oleh kebolehannya menanggapi setiap persoalan dengan cepat. Apalagi ia juga dikenal cerdik, bila perlu ia mau juga berspekulasi.

Shio Kuda juga seorang pekerja yang baik, dan tak kenal lelah. Pandai mengatur keluar masuknya uang. Tapi ia cukup menaruh perhatian terhadap nasib orang lain, apalagi nasib keluarganya sendiri.

Kelemahannya, kelahiran Shio Kuda amat egois dan selalu memaksakan kehendaknya kepada orang lain. Ia cenderung pula menampilkan kelebihannya dan menyenangi gosip. Ia terkadang juga berhati lemah, tidak sabaran, dan serin keras kepala.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Kuda
Politikus, wiraswasta, pedangan, dermawan, astrolog, atlet, dan olahragawan

Shio Kambing
Orang yang lahir di bawah pengaruh Shio Kambing, biasanya diseangi karena halus budi pekertinya. Ia seorang yang mencintai keindahan dan berbakat seni. gemar pula makan enak, hingga kalau tak terkontrol bisa sakit jantung karena kebanyakan lemak. Shio Kambing terkenal baik hati, selalu menepati janji tapi tak berbakat main spekulasi. Ia juga murah hati, dermawan, dan rela berkorban bagi sesamanya. Dalam soal cinta ia tak pernah mengeluh. Biasanya ia juga gemar menekuni agama, bahkan cenderung fanatik.

Namun terkadang ia kurang pandai mengendalikan diri dan lamban dalam bertindak. Sikap pesimistis, bimbang, ragu-ragu dan merasa khawatir sering pula menyertai dirinya. Ia pun kadang-kadang banyak tingkah dan suka mengada-ada.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Kambing
Seniman, teknisi, tukang, aktor, seniwati, gigolo, dan mak comblang

Shio Monyet
Kelahiran Shio Monyet selalu nampak bersemangat tinggi, cerdas dan banyak akal. Ia juga jenaka hingga bisa membuat orang tertawa dan senang padanya. Apalagi karena Shio Monyet pintar bergaul dan dikenal jujur.

Ia juga senang berdikari, tak mengandalkan diri pada orang lain. bijaksana pula dalam menghadapi persoalan dan amat ulet. Ia memang seorang yang bisa mengatasi hampir semua persoalannya dengan baik, tanpa bantuan orang lain. ia cocok menjadi diplomat atau pencipta.

Sifat buruknya karena ia sering memaksakan pendapat pada orang lain, sombong, dan gemar bersenang-senang. Terkadang ia juga kurang bersopan santun sehingga sering menjelngkelkan orang di sekitarnya.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Monyet
Pedagang, pengarang, pramuniaga, politikus, pelawak, serta tukang sulap

Shio Ayam Jago
Cara bicara orang kelahiran Shio Ayam Jago, selalu penuh perasaan. Sebab itu orang bisa terhanyut mendengarnya. Apalagi karena ia dikenal suka pada kebajikan dan suka bertindak jujur serta teguh pendirian.

Kelahiran Shio ini selalu yakin pada diri sendiri dan tahu persis apa yang harus dilakukannya. Ia juga gemar sekali bekerja keras, asalkan pekerjaan itu cocok dan disukai olehnya. Ia dikenal cerdas dan tak suka ribut-ribut. Hobinya yang lain adalah bertualang. Sayangnya bila bicara terkadang tak dipikirkan dahulu dengan masak. Akibatnya ia bisa menjadi korban. Aoalagi karena dia sembrono, kolot, dan terkadang galak pula. enggan menerima pendapat orang lain dan terkadang berbuat hal yang kurang masuk akal merupakan pula kelemahannya.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Ayam Jago
Juru masak,
guide, ahli bedah, militer, polisi, ahli pikir, bintang film

Shio Anjing
Shio Anjing terkenal keras hati, tapi romantis terhadap lawan jenisnya. Ia seorang yang mudah dieprcaya dan kesetiaannya mengagumkan. Bila ia menginginkan sesuatu, segala daya upaya dan segala cara akan ditempuhnya.

Kelahiran Shio Anjing mempunyai wibawa yang besar terhadap orang-orang di sekitarnya, ehingga ia cenderung dihormati. Ia cocok menjadi ahli hukum atau ahli pikir. Kelemahan Shio Anjing, karena ia egois. Baru memikirkan kepentingan orang lain, setelah kepentingannya sendiri terpenuhi. Ia juga sering keras kepala, senang menyakiti hari orang dan amat boros serta royal.

Ia juga seorang pemberang, acuh terhadap lingkungan sekitar, sulit menerima pendapat orang lain. bahkan ia juga bisa bertindak ekstrim.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Anjing
Industrialis, kritikus, mandor, guru, ulama, pendeta, filosof, surveyor, politikus

Shio Babi
Shio Babi berwatak ksatria dan berani mengatakan yang benar. Penampilannya gagah dan bisa dipercaya. Ia disenangi karena sering menolong dan janjinya selalu ditepati. Tak heran terkadang ia juga jadi kelihatan ambisius. Apalagi karena ia mau bekerja apa saja dengan semangat yang menyala dan pantang putus asa.

Kelahiran Shio Babi juga dikenal bisa membalas budi dan suka bersikap terus terang. Namun sifat materialistisnya terkadang kelewat lekat dalam dirinya. Memang ia senang membicarakan keadilan, tapi untuk melaksanakannya ia tak bsia diandalkan. Untuk kegiatan yang berbau seni, boleh dibilang ia tak cocok. Bila ia menolak atau tak menyetujui sesuatu, dalihnya selalu ada dan baisanya masuk akal.

Bakat-bakat yang Cocok Shio Babi
Akuntan, mandor, guru, kritikus, pelukis, pedagang, pelawak, dan bintang film.

So Your Teen Has Been Diagnosed with a Mood Disorder, Now What?

So Your Teen Has Been Diagnosed with a Mood Disorder, Now What?
By Judy Shepps
BattleEvery parent dreams of having a "perfect" child. One who is smart, attractive, talented, obedient, polite, and healthy in mind and body. Many spend money on preschool and private education to create academic advantage and increase the odds of acceptance into a prestigious college.It comes as a shock when our youngster has difficulty navigating this traditional path. An elementary school report card may contain "C"s and learning disabilities discovered. Or he or she may simply dislike academic courses.A healthy parent learns to love and accept their child as he or she is and relinquishes personal and social expectations. Family resources - emotional and financial - are allocated to maximize strengths and remove obstacles to the full development of a youngster's potential.At no time is this parental resolve more tested than when their teen is diagnosed with a mood disorder.
Adolescent Angst
Under normal circumstances, hormonal and social changes may turn the most compliant and even-tempered pre-adolescent into a defiant, moody, chronically irritated, angry, scared teen. One hour he may be sobbing that no one loves him and the next be excitedly talking on the phone about a date. One minute she may want a hug and the next scream not to be touched.For a small percentage of teens these normal moods become extremely intense, debilitating and require professional care. They become suicidal when depressed and out-of-control when manic. Eventually, a diagnosis of "mood disorder" - major depression or bipolar disorder - may be made and a combination of medicine and therapy prescribed. Gradually, their whirlwind of emotional changes begins to subside.It is not as easy for parents of newly diagnosed mood-disordered teens to find inner peace.
You Are Not Alone
Haunting questions of "why did this happen," "what could I have done to prevent it," and "how can I help my mood-disordered teen" often generate parental feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy. If you are in such a situation, know first that you are not alone. Statistics indicate that 7 to 14 percent of children will experience an episode of major depression before the age of fifteen. Out of 100,000 adolescents, two to three thousand will have severe mood disorders.Know also that science is far from clear about the relative effect of environment, genes, and brain chemistry on producing severe adolescent mood disorders. While it is true that both depression and bipolar disease tend to run in families, it is not certain why some genetically-prone individuals remain mentally healthy and others do not. Simply said, you did not cause your child's mental disorder. Neither can you cure it. But you can help your teen cope with his or her disease. And you can keep your own physical and mental health in the process.
Making a Distinction
All the love in the world cannot instantly cure chronic depression or bipolar disease. Our power as parents is to help our kids develop coping mechanisms for effectively dealing with their life circumstances. This means we must not confuse our child with his or her mood disorder. A depressed or bipolar teen is first and foremost a teen. All the hormonal and social factors facing a non-mentally ill adolescent are still present as is the need to separate from parents. We deal with the adolescent part of our children by offering love, enforcing rules and boundaries, allowing them to experience the natural consequences of (non life-threatening) behavior, and being available to listen in a nonjudgmental fashion. The "disease" part of our teen may require more direct intervention.
Coping With the Disease
Mood-disordered teens do not have the same luxury of experimenting with alcohol and other drugs as their non-diagnosed peers. Legal stimulants such as caffeine and illegal substances such as cocaine may trigger a manic episode for a bipolar youth. Alcohol, which is a depressant, can trigger a depressive episode for any mood-disordered individual. If your child cannot maintain abstinence from these substances it is important to get professional help.Medicine compliance cannot be left to chance. Many teens lead hectic lives and have difficulty honoring schedules. Although there may be grumbling, it is important that you ensure that prescribed dosages be consistently taken.Getting a proper amount of sleep is critical to maintain emotional balance. This is difficult for many teens who live on the telephone or computer both day and night. You may need to strictly enforce a bedtime and, if necessary, remove any distractions from the bedroom.It is important for an individual with mood swings to develop a means to find an emotional center. You can help your child in this process by encouraging relaxation exercises such as yoga or meditation.Finally, you can "Feng Shui" your home to reduce stress and promote serenity. By decluttering, increasing natural light, having sources of running water, and using certain colors, the general environment can become peaceful for all family members.
Finding Support
Riding the mood swings of a not-yet-diagnosed bipolar teen, or being terrified that your depressed child will commit suicide, takes an intense physical and emotional toll on a parent. As your child begins to get well emotionally, you must take time out for your own recovery. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, exercise, and find a balance between interacting with friends and being alone. Do at least one "special thing" for yourself daily, even if it is taking a bath or playing a round of miniature golf.Find time to join a support group composed of parents with emotionally disturbed teens. Whether it is facilitated by a therapist or based on a self-help model, it is important to share and listen to the experience, strength and hope of others in your situation. This network can be invaluable during the inevitable bumps in the normal parent-child road and when your child's mood disorder flares up.Being the parent of a depressed or bipolar teen is a challenge but there is help available.Copyright 2002 Judy Shepps Battle